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In the morning we find out that we camped right before the end of the road. The route leads us straight through the desert. After several hours we hit a piece of road again, which ends way too early. And after passing a broken bridge in the river bed I hit a whole which broke the frame of the car. The end for the moment, the car is not steerable anymore.


The end for the moment. We decide that the others continue to Altai, about 80 kilometers ahead to find someone to bring the car to town while I wait in the desert. While waiting there, watching all the trucks bringing material for the road construction (which road???), Kolia with his bike arrives. He was missing a junction and went to the wrong Altai - there are really 2 sities with the same name... At least we are now 2 waiting. When the others come back with a truck to transport our car, the next teams also arrive towing a car. This ends up in our car on the truck and the other one towed. All this through a complete non-road, deep sand, even the truck having troubles. After many more hours we arrive in Altai, where we already have some food prepared in a restaurant, ordered by the truck driver. At least in the hotel the cold and windy part are forgotten for the moment.


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